UPDATES - Okanagan Falls WWTP Project
Construction Pictures
pictures of the cool plant...
Current Status of the Project
AECOM Canada Ltd. was awarded an engineering contract of $900,000 by the Regional District Board on February 18, 2010 to design and administer the construction of the new wastewater treatment plant. This is almost $200,000 less than what was budgeted.
The Design of the new wastewater treatment plant for Okanagan Falls is underway. As of May 2010, we are in the Pre-design stage for the facility. The Draft Pre-design is expected to be completed by the end of June 2010, at which time the RDOS will hold a Public Meeting to keep everyone informed of our progress to date.
A realistic Construction Schedule has been put together by the consultant AECOM:
1. March 2011: design completion2. March and April 2011: tender for construction
3. May 2011: construction commences
4. April 2012: plant will be operational
Area D Director, Bill Schwarz, has formed an Advisory Design Committee to consider public issues and concerns such as aesthetics, noise, odour, traffic, landscaping and fencing. The members of this committee are:
Grant Information
A Building Canada Fund - Communities Component grant was awarded to the RDOS for the new wastewater treatment plant in the order of $6.2 million. The total project cost is estimated at about $10.1 million.
The Regional District has filed an application with the Okanagan Basin Water Board for additional grant assistance through their sewer grant program. If successful, this grant would reduce rates for the Okanagan Falls residents.
If you have any questions or comments about the new WWTP progress, please contact