Electoral Area "E"
Current Rezoning Proposals
Project No. | Proponent | Address | Summary |
E2025.002-ZONE | Being initiated by RDOS | An approximately 650 m2 area adjacent the north parcel line of the land described as Block B, District Lot 266, SDYD (1095 Lower Debeck Road) | To rezone the property to Administrative and Institutional Site Specific (AIs) in order to allow for the placement of a fire rescue training facility, which may include training structures, equipment and vehicle storage. |
Current Development Variance Permit Applications
Project No. | Proponent | Address | Purpose |
E2024.032-DVP | Katherine Davies & Karen Verrveda | 3195 Bartlett Road | To reduce the exterior parcel line setback. |
Current Temporary Use Permit Applications
Project No. | Proponent | Address | Purpose |
E2024.013-TUP | Jeffrey Murton | 1135 McPhee Road | To allow a vacation rental use (renewal) |
E2024.014-TUP | Lawrence Josey | 2864 Arawana Road | To allow a vacation rental use |
2024.032-TUP | Donald Shaw & Colleen Brennan | 2720 Workman Place | To reissue an exsisting permit for a vacation rental use |
2024.033-TUP | Jarid Shea & Jacqueline Cook | 3940 3rd Street | To allow a vacation rental use (renewal) |
2025.002-TUP | Nicholas and Christine Bevan | 3285 Lyons Road | More information to come. |
Completed Rezoning Proposals
Project No. | Zoning Bylaw No. | OCP Bylaw No. | Address | Summary |
E-10-06834.000 | 2459.06, 2011 | 2458.03, 2011 |
3498 Arawana Forestry Rd |
Rezone from RA to SH5s in order to allow 41 lot subdivision |
E2016.004-ZONE | 2459.18, 2016 | 2458.09, 2016 | 4800 North Naramata Rd |
Adjust zone boundaries to reflect new parcel lines |
E2016.036-ZONE | 2459.19, 2016 | - | various | Update Naramata Centre zoning |
E2016.063-ZONE | 2459.20, 2016 | - | 2825 Naramata Rd | Allow 650 m2 floor area related to a winery use |
E2016.100-ZONE | 2459.21, 2016 | - | 2255 Naramata Rd | Allow for an accessory dwelling with a floor area of 184 m2. |
E2017.005-ZONE | 2459.22 | 2458.10 | 3498 Arawana Forestry Road | To allow for a 68 lot subdivision with the provision for duplexes on some parcels. (WITHDRAWN) |
E2017.028-ZONE | 2459.23, 2017 | - | 6900 Indian Rock Road | To allow for the development of an accessory dwelling ("carriage house") |
E2017.051-ZONE | 2459.24, 2017 | - | 4865 North Naramata Road | To allow for an accessory dwelling unit with a floor area of 210 m2 |
E2017.054-ZONE | 2459.25, 2017 | - | 2870 Gammon Road, Naramata | To allow for an accessory dwelling on the second floor of an existing garage. |
E2017.103-ZONE | 2459.26, 2017 | - | 1362 Greyback Mountain Road | To allow a "distillery" use in the Small Holdings Two (SH2) Zone. |
E2017.126-ZONE | 2459.27 | 2458.11 | N/A | To facilitate an 11 lot subdivision (INCOMPLETE) |
E2018.023-ZONE | 2459.28 | - | 940 & 950 Lower Debeck Road | To allow 6 agri-tourism accommodation units on a parcel less than 8.0 ha (WITHDRAWN) |
E2018.058-ZONE | 2459.29, 2018 | 2458.12 | 7005 Indian Rock Road | To replace existing CT1 Zone with a CD2 Zone to allow residential use. |
E2018.095-ZONE | 2459.31, 2018 | - | 891 & 945 Old Main Road | To allow for the development of an accessory dwelling with a floor area of 140 m2. |
E2018.108-ZONE | 2459.32 | 2458.14 | N/A | To facilitate an 11 lot subdivision (WITHDRAWN) |
E2018.126-ZONE | 2459.33 | - | 2493 Gammon Road, Naramata | To allow 3 agri-tourism accommodation units on a parcel less than 4.0 ha in area (WITHDRAWN) |
E2019.003-ZONE | 2459.34 | 2458.15 | 2587 Naramata Road | To allow for an eating and drinking establishment (i.e. "coffee shop") (WITHDRAWN) |
E2019.007-ZONE | 2459.35, 2019 | - |
3440 Arawana Road; 3690 Arawana Forestry Road; and No civic |
To introduce "campground" as a permitted use in the Resource Area (RA) zoning that applies to the properties. |
E2019.012-ZONE | 2459.36, 2019 | - | Workman Place, Naramata | To reduce the front & rear setbacks for principal & accessory building and structures on 17 properties. |
E2019.017-ZONE | 2459.37 | 2458.16 | 4850 North Naramata Road | To allow for a 40-lot subdivision (REFUSED) |
E2021.014-ZONE | 2459.38, 2022 | 2458.17, 2022 | 9540 & 9550 Chute Lake Road | To allow for tourist development including lodge, yurts, cabins, glam tents, camping. |
E2021.023-ZONE | 2800.09, 2022 | - | 940/950 Lower Debeck Road | To allow for the use of 6 agri-tourism accommodation units. |
E2021.025-ZONE | 2459.40, 2022 | - | 11 - 7080 Glenfir Road | To allow for oversized dwellings on the property (REFUSED) |
E2022.005-ZONE | - | 2458.18, 2022 | 2265 Naramata Road | To allow a tram as a "Expedited" WDP. |
E2022.014-ZONE | 2800.19, 2023 |
- |
3690 Arawana Forestry Road |
To increase the maximum allowable length of stay within a campground from 30 days to 182 days. (WITHDRAWN) |
E2023.008-ZONE | 2800.24, 2023 |
- |
1313 Greyback Mountain Road | To permit the development of a composting operation and a public maintenance and works yard. |
E2023.002-ZONE | 2800.26, 2023 |
- |
3205 Rushbury Place | To permit an accessory dwelling on the property (DENIED) |
E2023.005-ZONE | 2800.27, 2023 | 2458.21, 2023 | 1238 Gawne Road | To facilitate a two-lot subdivision. (WITHDRAWN) |
E2024.006-ZONE | 2800.39, 2024 | 3010.01, 2024 | 3325 3rd Street & Unaddressed Westerly Property at the NE Corner of 1st St and Gwendoline Ave | To allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling on each of the seven legal lots which comprise the subject properties. |
E2024.014-ZONE | 2800.46, 2024 | 3010.02, 2024 | 3005 Naramata Road | To facilitate the conversion of an existing commercial structure to a single detached dwelling, as well as agricultural uses. |
Completed Development Variance Permits
Project No. | Address | Summary |
E2021.022-DVP | 35 Robinson Point Road |
to vary the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 0 metres; and |
E2021.025-DVP | 210-290 Anna Avenue, Naramata | To vary the maximum height of an accessory building or structure from 4.5 metres to 6.5 metres. |
E2021.028-DVP | 4575, Mill Road, Naramata | To waive the requirement for the installation of a street light. |
E2021.035-DVP | 136 Ritchie Ave, Naramata |
To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 3.0 m; and |
E2021.038-DVP | 3480 Arawana Forestry Road | To vary the requirements for streetlight installation. |
E2021.041-DVP | 1115 Rounds Road | To vary the interior side setback to 1.36 m and the rear setback to 1.5 m for an existing garage |
E2021.043-DVP | 3285 Lyons Road | To vary the maximum retaining wall heights and minimum setbacks for a replacement retaining wall. |
E2021.045-DVP | 4257 Mill Road | To vary the interior side parcel line setback from 3.0 m to 1.5 m to build a garage. |
E2021.054-DVP | 750 Languedoc Road | To vary the maximum height of a retaining wall |
E2021.055-DVP |
6851 Indian Rock Road |
To reduce the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 1.5 m; and |
E2021.058-DVP | 2865 Outlook Way | To increase the height of the retaining wall within a setback area from 1.2 metre to 3 metre |
E2021.056-DVP | 2526 Kettle Ridge Way | To reduce the front parcel line setback from 7.5m to 3.2m to construct an in ground pool. |
E2022.002-DVP | 710 Ritchie Ave | To allow a shower in an accessory building |
E2022.007-DVP | 3990 Third Street | To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 1.19 metres to construct a garage. |
E2022.009-DVP | 6771 Indian Rock Road | To reduce the minimum setback for a dock from 5.0 metres to 2.1 metres; and To increase the maximum dock moorage platform width from 3.0 metres to 4.9 metres. |
E2022.010-DVP | 2573 Workman Place | To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 10.5 metres to 2.47 metres; and To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 1.52 metres to allow for a deck. |
E2022.014-DVP | 2830 Arawana Road | To allow an over-height retaining wall (WITHDRAWN) |
E2022.016-DVP | 4855 Mill Road | To reduce the rear setback from 4.5 metres to 2.91 metres |
E2022.020-DVP | 815 Wiseman Place | To vary the front setback from 7.5 to 4.1 metres |
E2022.027-DVP | 3180 3rd Street | To reduce the exterior side setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres |
E2022.033-DVP | 850 Patterson Road | To reduce the rear and interior side setbacks |
E2022.037-DVP | 3076 Juniper Drive | To allow an overheight fence in the front and side setbacks |
E2022.038-DVP | 126 Slate Place | To increase the maximum allowable height of a retaining wall. |
E2022.039-DVP | 3076 Juniper Drive | To vary the maximum height of a retaining wall from 2.0 metres to 4.41 metres |
E2022.041-DVP | 1305 Smethurst Road | To reduce the front setback from 7.5 metres to 5.5 metres |
E2022.042-DVP | 2415 Kettle Ridge Way | To increase the height for an accessory dwelling from 4.5 m to 8.41 m |
E2022.045-DVP | 4575 Mill Road | To reduce the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 5.98 metres; and To allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling. |
E2022.053-DVP | 2965 Gammon Road | To reduce the front setback to accommodate a new farm storage building. |
E2022.058-DVP | 4535 Mill Road | To allow a holding tank as a method of on-site sewage disposal |
E2022.059-DVP | 4545 Mill Road | To allow a holding tank as a method of on-site sewage disposal |
E2023.011-DVP | 815 Boothe Road | To allow a deck addition to an accessory building |
E2023.012-DVP | 5 - 4650 North Naramata Road | To reduce the minimum required width of a common wall attached to a principal building |
E2023.016-DVP | 3990 3rd Street | To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback in order to construct a detached garage |
E2023.020-DVP |
2864 Arawana Road | To allow a cannabis production facility with a non-soil (i.e., concrete) base |
E2023.024-DVP | 7002 Indian Rock Road | To vary the interior parcel line setback to allow an addition to the single detached dwelling |
E2023.031-DVP | 1185 McPhee Road | To vary the front parcel line setback to allow a roof overhang addition |
E2023.032-DVP | 4545 Mill Road | To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house. |
E2023.033-DVP | 4535 Mill Road | To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house. |
E2024.002-DVP | 240 Benchlands Drive | To increase the maximum height of a retaining wall (WITHDRAWN) |
E2024.010-DVP | 4545 Mill Road | To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house. |
E2024.011-DVP | 4535 Mill Road | To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house. |
E2024.014-DVP | 2543 Kettle Ridge Way | To reduce the interior side parcel line setback. |
E2024.023-DVP | 3325 3rd Street | To vary the various parcel line setbacks that apply to the legal lots which comprise the subject property in order to facilitate the development of each lot to a single detached dwelling. |
E2024.016-DVP | 6857 Indian Rock Road | To allow an over-height fence and an over-height retaining wall. |
E2024.017-DVP | 3084 Juniper Drive | To allow an over-height fence. |
E2024.033-DVP | 845 Kinney Road | To reduce the rear parcel line setback. |
E2024.035-DVP | 845 Kinney Road | To increse the maximum height of an accessory building. |
Completed Board of Variance (BoV) Applications
Project No. | Proponent | Address | Summary |
E2021.002-BOV | Naramata Centre Society | 545 5th Street | To allow replacement washroom with reduced setback |
E2024.001-BOV | Norman Goddard | 136 Ritchie Avenue | To increase the maximum parcel coverage from 40% to 50.4%. |
Completed Temporary Use Permits
Project No. | Address | Summary | Permit Expiry |
E2021.012-TUP | 9540 Chute Lake Road | To build a cabin with a kitchen | July 8, 2024 |
E2021.022-TUP | 3180 & 3260 McKay Road | Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP | October 31, 2024 |
E2021.024-TUP | 1015 Hyde Road | Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP | December 31, 2024 |
E2022.002-TUP | 3059 Naramata Road | To allow for a vacation rental use | December 31, 2023 |
E2022.013-TUP | 3305 McGibney Road | To permit the residential use of an RV | September 22, 2025 |
E2022.017-TUP | 2589 Naramata Road | To allow for a vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2022.024-TUP | 4245 Mill Road | To allow a renewal of existing vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2022.026-TUP | 1024 Old Main Road | To renew an existing vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2022.027-TUP | 2401 Workman Place | To renew an existing vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2022.030-TUP | 4383 Mill Road | To renew an existing vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2023.003-TUP | 3189 3rd Street | To reissue an existing permit for a vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2023.007-TUP | 4090 4th Street | To allow for a vacation rental use | December 31, 2023 |
E2023.010-TUP | 2720 Workman Place | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2024 |
E2023.013-TUP | 3940 3rd Street | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2024 |
E2023.014-TUP | 980 Tillar Road | To allow a vacation rental use | Denied |
E2023.015-TUP | 1135 McPhee Road | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2023 |
E2023.019-TUP | 3135 Bartlett Drive | To renew a permit allowing a vacation rental use | December 31, 2026 |
E2023.021-TUP | 2844 Gammon Road | To allow an accessory dwelling in the form of a recreational vehicle | January 18, 2026 |
E2023.022-TUP | 2710 Workman Place | To allow a vacation rental use | Denied |
E2023.029-TUP | 6981 Chute Lake Road | To allow residential use of four (4) recreational vehicles | November 16, 2026 |
E2023.034-TUP | 3057 Naramata Road | To renew an exisitng temporary use permit for a vacation rental use. | December 31, 2026 |
E2023.035-TUP | 2160 Naramata Road | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2024 |
E2024.003-TUP | 6447 Chute Lake Road | To allow the residentail use of four (4) recreational vehicles and a washroom facilities building | July 25, 2024 |
E2024.004-TUP | 2870 Gammon Road | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2024 |
E2024.006-TUP | 6851 Indian Rock Road | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2024.007-TUP | 4395 Mill Road | To allow a vacation rental use | Denied |
E2024.010-TUP | 4090 4th Street | To allow a vacation rental use (renewal) | June 11, 2024 |
E2024.012-TUP | 1160 McPhee Road | To allow a vacation rental use | File Closed (Incomplete) |
E2024.015-TUP | 450 Robinson Avenue | To allow a vacation rental use | December 31, 2025 |
E2024.031-TUP | 3260 McKay Road | To reissue an existing permit for a vacation rental use | November 7, 2027 |